Meet Our New Design Team Members

We are very happy to announce the new line up of our Cake Design Team. There are plenty new faces and lots of returning members that we’re sure you’ll recognise. We’ll be sharing pics from the team very soon. In the meantime you can get to know our Design Team members a little better, read on to meet them all!
Lareefa Ghazaly – Lankan Cake Craft
I’m Lareefa Ghazaly and I’m a British citizen. I moved from the UK and settled in Sri Lanka in 2012. After I moved to Sri Lanka, I started admiring cake decorators and then completed my PME diploma and Wilton courses in an institute in Sri Lanka. Later, I started a company named Lankan Cake Craft and I’m presently doing cakes for orders, cake classes and also selling cake decorating equipment such as moulds and lace mats.
My facebook page is Lankan Cake Craft
Julie Rogerson – Julie’s Cake In A Box
I have always enjoyed arts and crafts, although my drawing skills leave a lot to be desired, so usually stick to the crafts and sewing side of things!
Baking has always been a big part of my life, both as a child with my mum and then later with my own 3 children as they were growing up. It seemed like a natural progression to combine my 2 interests and from there my passion for decorating cakes began.
I attended a cake class at a local cake shop, where I decorated my first cake 4 years ago. A year later I started my business, Julie’s Cake in a Box, which I currently run alongside my job as a nursery nurse in a local primary school (often found at the playdough table making models and flowers!). I am, however, working towards my goal of being a full time cake designer.
As much as I love a well decorated cake, I firmly believe that cakes should always taste as good as they look!
I am so thrilled and excited to be joining the Katy Sue Design Team because I love using moulds, they are so versatile and easy to use. I think Katy Sue moulds are the best in the market, both in quality and choice of designs. I cannot wait to get started!
Take a look at Julie’s Facebook page Julie’s Cake In A Box
Sue Pinnick – Yummy Cakes By Sue
I’ve been a self-employed cake decorator at home for over 10 years and I absolutely love my job. I’ve been married for almost 13 years and have 2 wonderful children. My daughter Zoe is 12 and my son Andrew is 10.
I’m a fully accredited teacher and demonstrator using Patchwork Cutters and this has allowed me to demonstrate and teach around the UK and in Europe.
I get invited by Cake World Germany to demonstrate and sell their products at all of their cake shows. I’ve been learning German for 2 years so I can demonstrate in German. I’ve been to Hamburg, Friedrichshafen, Copenhagen, Austria, Hanover and the Cake & Bake show in Dortmund.
I’ve had an article published in Cake Craft and Decoration magazine and had loads of my customer cakes published in Party Cakes magazine.
I recently participated in an 80’s themed collaboration and would love to be part of another one.
Why do I love Katy Sue products? That’s easy…. Not only are they all beautiful, but they are so easy to use and they are affordable.
Visit Sue’s Facebook page Yummy Cakes By Sue
Guest Design Team Members
You will see from time to time we have special guests on the team, maybe there is a particular theme or style that we wanted to share with you.
Georgie Godbold
I have always been a sugarcrafter, I just love working with sugar and trying all the new ideas decorating cakes, but my overall passion Is designing. (Note book and pencil always ready in my handbag and beside table!!!!)
I created my quirky ‘Sugar Wobbly’ characters in 2010 and my first book was published in 2012. I demonstrate my work home and abroad. And will be travelling to New Zealand at the end of October to give workshops and demonstration. My sugarcraft creations have been shown in many magazines and I have also demonstrated on Cake Academy and Create and Craft Television.
I am a busy person, retired early and have never stopped designing and creating. You have to love what you do and that is me.
See some of Georgie’s work on her Facebook page click here
Jayne Burt
I am a cupcake designer and mum of 2 based in Cornwall, I discovered a love for cake decorating after attending Cake International with my partner as he had entered. Since then I myself have entered 3 times and achieved 2 golds and a silver, I also entered the Big Cake show at Exeter and was awarded first place for my cupcakes.
Visit Jayne’s Facebook page Cornish Cupcake Wench

My Facebook page is Lady P’s Cupcakery!
We would also like to give a BIG welcome back to all our returning Design Team members and introduce them to any first time readers of our blog. We look forward to seeing many more inspiring creations from you all.
Sarah Harris – The Cupcake Range
I have two sons, one now has a place of his own some distance away from our home, but I still made sure he got a homemade birthday cake last year which I sent him through the post! During the day I work as an Audit Manager in local government. I have worked for the same organisation since the year I got married which was in 1988.
Last year due to encouragement from friends I set up a Facebook page and called it The Cupcake Range.
Teresa Antonowicz – Teresa’s Sweet Creations
I’m stay at home mom … of two (PATRICK & NATALIE) I’ve got no fancy pastry schooling background. I graduated Marketing and Management University in Poland . I love craft things . One day, I decided I wanted to start making my kiddos some cool birthday cakes….because my little princess didn’t like any from my local bakery
I looked up some YouTube videos/books … starting dabbling in a li’l bit o’ this and a li’l bit o’ that… and I did my first fondant cake in 2012 for my daughters second birthday ….everybody loved and here I am
I love cake decorating ….I love to see kids smile – when they see birthday cake …during this time I got more…and more orders … I hope one day ..my hobby/small business …will turn into the big one
because I love what I do
Teresa’s Facebook page is – Teresa’s Sweet Creations
Lisa Speck – Ponty Carlo Cakes
My name is Lisa and I am the owner/founder of Ponty Carlo cakes in Pontypridd in South Wales. I have always loved cooking and baking and my cake decorating journey all started when my daughter was coming up to 18 and I decided that I decided that I wanted to make her a birthday cake.
It wasn’t as easy as I thought it was going to be, so I ended up just making cupcakes which I decorated with some flowers that I made from fondant. They went down so well, that I was asked on that day to make cupcakes for a friends daughter’s wedding. I said yes and between that time and the wedding, the thought occurred to me that maybe I should get some lessons. That was 6 years ago. It was another year before I took some lessons and the rest is history.
I very quickly became totally obsessed with cake decorating, and the orders came flooding in. I have always been artistic and creative, and have always been able to draw and paint, but it quickly became very clear that this craft was encompassing my love for colour, art, baking, making something quickly that you could also eat, and of course my love of cake. I absolutely love what I do. I am now a full time baker and decorator.
Lisa’s Facebook page is – Ponty Carlo Cakes
Sarah Thomas – The Cupcake Oven
A former City lawyer, I decided to change career when I realised that my childhood pastime of baking, and my adult hobby of sugar artistry was far more enjoyable! I have taught sugar art and baking skills to students from around the world for over 7 years and love sharing my knowledge. I run over 30 different classes ranging from basic cupcake, cookie and macaron classes, to full on three day intensive wedding cake courses. I am based in Essex, UK.
I have won many awards for my baking and sugarcraft, including 6 Gold Awards at Cake International (being placed 1st, 2nd and 3rd on four of those occasions); as well as being awarded several British Sugarcraft Guild Trophies. I am a regular contributor to Cake Masters Magazine, including full tutorials and also taking part in their two sugar artist collaborations (Fabergé Egg 2015 & Hot Air Balloon 2016).
I have always loved the Katy Sue products since their launch a few years ago. I think they enable complete beginners to achieve professional results with the minimum fuss and bother, proving that anyone can enjoy cake decorating from (and until!) any age. I am excited to be a part of the Katy Sue Cake Design Team and look forward to seeing what new ideas they have to share this year.
Sarah’s Facebook page is – The Cupcake Oven
Doreen Thompson – Katy Sue Designs
I am part owner and Creative Director at Katy Sue Designs. Technically I’m retired but I find myself in the craft room with Noreen virtually every day J I have always been creative and have done most crafts from sewing to card making and particularly enjoyed the 10 years plus our company had making porcelain Dollshouse Dolls for collectors all over the world. About 3 and a half years ago I retired and started taking the online cake decorating classes with Craftsy and found a whole wonderful world of cake decorating and cookie decorating. I’m still learning but I am thrilled to be part of the product development team here at Katy Sue…it’s a sheer joy to be playing with so many wonderful products.
Doreen’s Facebook page is – Katy Sue Designs Cake Decorating
Gilles Leblanc – Les Gâteaux de Gilles
Born and raised in Montreal Canada, Gilles Leblanc was the youngest of six children. His interests in the arts were present at a very young age, and very much encouraged by his mother who shared similar interests. His pastimes as a child were always based around the arts, whether sculpting or painting, he enjoyed experimenting with different materials. As time passed, his passion and curiosity grew and Gilles Leblanc wanted to pursue a career. Being a perfectionist, he enrolled in a well renowned jewellery school, to better perfect his knowledge of the various metals. It wasn’t long after that Gilles work was exhibited in various art galleries and featured in different magazines. Electroforming, bronze, silver and even gold gave Gilles Leblanc’s pieces their originality, and unique quality.
Gilles Leblanc eventually had to put his sculpting and career on hold, but his passion for the arts never died. He later discovered the art of cake decorating, and his passion was renewed. Gilles Leblanc’s talent in sculpting, and original ideas succeeded in creating many diversified cake pieces. Gilles Leblanc has also taken part in many cake collaborations, and has been featured in various magazines, earning him the admiration of his peers.
Gilles Facebook page is – Les Gâteaux de Gilles
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