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Adventures in Paper Cutting by Emma Boyes

Paper cutting Artist Emma Boyes has worked with the team here at Katy Sue Designs to transform her original illustrations into ready to cut designs, which we call paper cutting templates, and collect them together in the Adventures in Paper Cutting series.

Each of our pads take 12 of Emma's original artworks designed for everyone from the beginner and intermediate to the advanced. Each template is provided 3 times so you have plenty of room for error or indeed to frame and gift your finished masterpieces.

Transform a single sheet of paper into a work of art with our Adventures in Paper Cutting Pads

Each pad features 

• Quality 170gsm paper
• 36 ready to cut templates
• 12 original artworks repeated 3 times
• Hints and Tips
• Example pictures of finished paper cuts.

Shop Adventures in Paper Cutting Series 1

Shop Adventures in Paper Cutting Series 2

Shop Adventures in Paper Cutting Series 3 Christmas Edition

Shop Adventures in Paper Cutting Series 4

Paper Cutting Kits

Share your progress shots and finished pieces online using the hashtag #papercutcraftpad – we would love to see your Adventures in Paper Cutting!

Watch a quick cut by Emma

Emma Boyes is one of the UK’s most talented paper cutting artists. She first put scalpel to paper in 2010 and is now a full time paper artist, working from her studio at home, she has exhibited her work throughout the UK and has created works of art for both private clients and commercially for companies such as Fossil (Watch Station International) and the international paper company, G F Smith.


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