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Covid-19 Announcement by Katy Sue Designs

Covid-19 Announcement by Katy Sue Designs

Katy Sue Designs and associated group companies– Covid-19 preparedness announcement.

Update: As of Thursday 12th March 2020 Katy Sue Designs implemented its well developed plan to protect the business from the spread of Covid-19.

Based in South Shields, the business has 34 staff, who operate from 5 different units. We benefit from having the ability to effectively segregate departments and significantly lessen the cross spread of this infectious disease between our employees. We also have extensive and highly sophisticated IT systems which allow remote access for all systems making home working a more practical step. With this in mind the business is now operating with 40% of its staff working remotely and the remainder on either reduced hours working or shift based rotas which help mitigate risk and keep the wheels turning. Business is operating as usual in every respect and we remain committed to the well being of our staff and customers at this difficult time.  

We uniquely benefit from being a manufacturer of our own products and as such have no issues around international deliveries of finished stock – particularly from China. We have supplies of raw materials capable of sustaining the business until at least September 2020 and are confident that we will have no stock related issues in that timeframe. Our web sites, Amazon stores and associated platforms are still taking orders and our sales lines are open and staffed as usual. We are in a position to continue with business as usual and trade customers can of course place orders in the usual way. Clearly we are dependent on national couriers to continue distributing orders to any and all customers.  

We expect to remain open for business throughout this difficult period and intend communicating with customers and staff using technology where appropriate. Please visit our web site for further updates.

Thank you.

Katy Sue Designs

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WIlma Battles - May 12, 2020

Still waiting on my purchase bought the paper designs a couple of weeks ago and next day they were out of stock still waiting on my delivery

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