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A tribute to our friend, Chef Nicholas Lodge

A tribute to our friend, Chef Nicholas Lodge

We are so deeply saddened by the loss of our dear friend and colleague Chef Nicholas Lodge, who passed away suddenly on 9th August 2022. A wonderfully warm hearted man with the most amazing talent both for making incredible sugar flowers and teaching his Flower Pro techniques. It's very difficult to put into words what Nick meant to us and so many people, we will miss him terribly.

Chef Nicholas was one of the world’s leading tutors in both sugar flower artistry and pastry. An accomplished author, teacher and TV judge, he had the honour of making cakes several times for the British Royal Family. He loved travelling all over the world sharing his skills and judging cake decorating and sugar art competitions at the highest level. As well as teaching at his own schools in Atlanta and Tokyo, Chef Nicholas was an instructor at the prestigious French Pastry School in Chicago and taught globally at culinary schools and cake exhibitions.

Many of you may have met Nick at cake shows over the years or been lucky enough to participate in his classes. We have such fond memories of Cake International where Nick would have a constant and captivated audience each day, sharing his incredible skills.

The International Sugar Art Collection is the Georgia-based school where Nick taught all levels and aspects of sugar art, cake decorating and cold porcelain. Founded in 1992 with his partner Scott, ISAC recently celebrated 30 years in business. This anniversary video is a wonderful celebration of Nick’s artistry and achievements, click here to watch.

Nick touched so many lives through his inspirational teaching and also his genuine interest and enthusiasm for everyone he met. He was passionate about sharing his skills and sincerely valued his flower making family. Nick himself put it best in the dedication in his book, Flower Pro Volume 3:

This Book is dedicated to you all, my Flower Pro family and community, for your love and support of Flower Pro and the Flower Pro Ultimate Members Club.

Huge thanks to Scott Ewing, my rock, for all your incredible help with the camera work for the Ultimate Members Club live broadcasts and videos, and the Hostess with the Mostest Noreen McKie for taking such good care of me during my trips to the UK as host, cook and driver – I do not know what we would do without you both!

Very special thanks and appreciation go to Susan Balfour and the incredible team at Katy Sue Designs for making my sometimes crazy ideas a reality, especially setting up the Flower Pro Ultimate Members Club at the start of a global pandemic!

And to my incredible Flower Pro design team, especially Ceri Griffiths for your support with samples and TV work for Create and Craft, and the rest of the team – Noreen McKie, Doreen Thompson, Veronica Seta, Chrissie Boon, Shaile Socher, Arati Mirji, Jak Heath, Dawn Butler, Greg Cleary, Margaret Ellis, Lareefa Ghazaly, Julie Askew, Karen Seal, Petya Shmarova and Sarah Thomas – for your support with samples and filming episodes for the Flower Pro Ultimate Members Club.

Thanks to chef Mark Balfour and Michael Balfour for all your help and the most delicious lunches, dinners and a few drinks too!
And in reflection of the COVID-19 global pandemic,
'Life is fragile like a sugar flower, beautiful to look at but broken in a second.'

I hope I have brought many of you some distraction and joy during this very sad global situation we are all in! So my hope is you will enjoy Book 3 as much as Books 1 and 2, and I can't wait to see all of your creations!

Sweet wishes,
Chef Nicholas Lodge



Nick's passing is an unfathomable loss to the cake industry and to his many many friends and family around the world.

Our heartfelt condolences go out to Nick's family at this sad time 💚

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Carole Bates - April 19, 2023

Such a loss to everyone. I started decorating in the late ’70’s, even then Nick took a single Fushia flower. Six hours later he had produced an exact copy. Breathtaking is the only word I could use.
Nick truly was a one off, his approach to anyone who showed interest, was infectious and lasting.
I am proud to number him in my acquaintance.
Sleep tight dear friend, I will try my best to continue your teachings and learn from my mistakes.

Elaine Belcher - April 19, 2023

I was fortunate enough to participate in many of Nicks classes. He signed all his books for me – which I will always treasure.
I was shocked to hear of his passing. The world has lost great talent far too soon. Rest in peace. Xx

Kathryn Richardson - October 14, 2022

I am sad to hear the sudden news about such a talented man. I met him at the Nec last year where he was demonstrating he gave me such a lot of one to one advice on using the flower pro moulds I had just brought from him. Such a lovely man to talk to and the knowledge he gave me I will not forget. My condolences to Nicolas’s family and close friends.

Cheryl Howard - October 14, 2022

I apprenticed with Nick for two years and got to know Nick & Scott quite well. Nick was the consummate professional, just such an amazingly talented guy. I will forever be grateful to Nick for taking me under his wing and teaching me basically everything. The world has lost a true pioneer in the confectionary arts. Rest in peace Nick!

Cheryl Howard - April 19, 2023

I apprenticed with Nick for two years and got to know Nick & Scott quite well. Nick was the consummate professional, just such an amazingly talented guy. I will forever be grateful to Nick for taking me under his wing and teaching me basically everything. The world has lost a true pioneer in the confectionary arts. Rest in peace Nick!

sabrina benlala - August 16, 2022

mes sincères condoléances , très grande perte d’un grand chef .

Joanne - August 16, 2022

I’m in shock to hear this sad news im new to the cake world but ive loved watching nicks flower pro videos and I bought so many of the moulds from katy sues and will continue to do so, but I will miss nick for his videos he was a great teacher explained it so well.
R.I.P nick sending condolences to his family and close friends you are going to be missed.

Sue Burgess - August 16, 2022

Such a shock and so sad.
Nicholas was such a nice talented man loved watching his tutorials.
He will be sadly missed by all.
Sincere condolences to Scot, family and colleagues.
RIP 💚💚💚

Samantha Ward - August 16, 2022

It’s because of buying one of Nicks books on flower making that inspired me. I haven’t looked back since, his inspiration and encouragement was immense. It was because of this inspirational man my son’s wedding cake became a reality. My condolences to you all at this sad time.
Loving warm thoughts to you all xxx

Elaine - August 16, 2022

I was like others greatly affected by hearing of Nicholas’s passing. I never met him but his video demonstrations inspired me like so many others. I am a keen amateur sugar florist and his clear instructions and hints gave me the courage to attempt things I wouldn’t have tried otherwise. My condolences to those who knew and worked with him.

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