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How to Create a Showstopping Seasonal Wreath Topper with Chef Nicholas Lodge

How to Create a Showstopping Seasonal Wreath Topper with Chef Nicholas Lodge

The NEW Chef Nicholas Lodge Collection has been a huge success, proving to be a must have in every Cake Decorators arsenal. The reaction has been truly amazing, and we have adored seeing everyone's cakes and cookies created with these detailed moulds.

One of the most popular cakes so far has been from Chef Nicholas Lodge himself, the green cake with the stunning wreath topper. We've been flooded with people dying to know how to replicate this at home. He has been kind enough to send over a step-by-step tutorial which we're so happy to share with you here. 

Chef Nicholas Lodge put this wreath topper together in his Home in Atlanta, Georgia and then flew 5,000 miles to Amsterdam and onto Birmingham to Cake International! Where he positioned this beautiful piece on top of a cake covered by Ceri Griffiths
Step 1. Cut out a ring of Sugarpaste/Rolled Fondant. 
Step 2. Build a sausage on top attaching with edible glue. This could be formed with Rice Krispie treats too. 
Step 3. Add texture using texture mats or tooth/nail brush. 
Step 4. Snip with scissors. 
Step 5. You now have the base of your wreath. I created this on a board and used a little non slip mat to stop it from moving around. 
Step 6. Attach your decorations using piping gel or green royal icing. Then carefully remove the non slip mat.
Step 7. The holly was made, dusted and attached while soft to give a natural look. 
Step 8. Add green royal icing to fill in areas using a 233 Wilton grass tip / nozzle. 
Step 9. Voila, you have your wreath! I put in a food dehydrator for 24 hours to dry out or leave 2-3 days Note : you could build on a thin Cake board covered with Rolled fondant / sugar paste to match the cake then build on this so it can be taken off and kept and then it does not have to be 100% dry as it would be built on the board and stay on the board.

Chef Nicholas Lodge Collection

Pine Cones Mould



Holly & Mistletoe Mould



Nuts & Berries Mould



Winter Spices Mould


More Tutorials from Chef Nicholas Lodge

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