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Creative Cake System

Creative Cake System - Katy Sue Designs

The ground breaking Creative Cake System has been co-created with International Chef Ceri Griffiths, that for the first time allows cake decorators to use sugar paste or fondant to achieve a professional Royal Iced look to their cakes. The silicone moulds in the Creative Cake System will create the building blocks of the royal icing technique in fondant or sugar paste. Together these innovative moulds work in endless combinations of creativity.

Ceri Griffiths - As a widely travelled teacher, demonstrator, international judge, TV presenter and published author, Ceri believes that sharing knowledge and skills is the only way in which cake artistry will grow. Ceri’s journey so far has taken him from baker and confectioner to professional dancer, cake artist and much more, Ceri is best known for his contemporary method of Royal Icing, his style often being referred to as English over piping. Click here to go to Ceri's website.


Creative Cake System Introduction Video



Creative Cake System Moulds

The initial range of eight moulds took over 5 months of intensive product development ensuring that cake decorators at all skill levels could achieve the perfect look of Royal Icing using these innovative moulds. Click the images to view the products or click here to view all Creative Cake System Moulds.

Creative Cake System Barrels MouldCreative Cake System S Scrolls MouldCreative Cake System C ScrollsCreative Cake System Scoops Mould

Creative Cake System Serrated V's MouldCreative Cake System Shell Border MouldCreative Cake System Mini and MircoCreative Cake System Rope Borders Mould


Creative Cake System Moulds Tutorial with Ceri Griffiths


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