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It’s Christmas!!!

It’s Christmas!!!

Anyone who is a bit ‘bah-humbug’ about the festive period, I’ll tell you now, this is not the blog post for you! It’s been very Christmassy this past week at Katy Sue HQ.

So what happened this week?

We hit 16000 likes on the Katy Sue Designs Cake Decorating Facebook Page!


Design Team member Barbara (from the Mouldshop) showed us how she made these great Knitted Christmas Tree Cupcakes!

It was the National Christmas Jumper Day yesterday! We all dressed in our festive jumpers and donated money to Text Santa!

Claire our Sales Executive made Jumper Cookies and Mincemeat Cupcakes to honour the occasion!



We just had to show you Noreen’s Christmas Creation, it’s usually very hot in our office so she made an alternative to a Christmas Jumper! The lights had to be off for the full effect to show!

This weekend we have Cake Academy with Cassie Brown, then next week we’re taking a break over Christmas! Our office will be closing on Wednesday 23rd December at 1pm and will reopen on Monday 4th January 2015 at 9am. The last day for shipping orders will be 22nd December, any order placed after 12pm on that day will be sent when we return in January.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from the whole team!!

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