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Make a Polar Animals Candle

Make a Polar Animals Candle

Follow this step-by-step tutorial to make a polar themed candle, perfect for cosy evenings or for a homemade Christmas gift. Craft Design Team member Cheryl Sanderson shows us how to use a selection of our winter moulds to create this sweet votive candle.


Step 1 – What you'll need to make the candle:

  • Jug to melt wax in, stood in a pan of water (always use a bain marie when heating wax)
  • Thermometer
  • Wax suitable for candles in containers
  • Fragrance oil suitable for wax
  • Oil based dye
  • Glass candle container
  • Candle wick
  • Sticky tab to stick wick to base of glass
  • Wick centering tool – or you can improvise using a pencil and Blu Tack

Step 2 – Stick the wick to the base of the glass and use the centering tool to centre the wick ready to pour the wax.

Step 3 – Melt and dye the wax then pour into the glass.

  • Melt the wax then add dye according to manufacturer's instructions.
  • Cool a little and pour into the glass (temperatures vary for different waxes).
  • Remove any air bubbles by popping them with a skewer. Leave to cool and set before removing the wick centering tool.

Step 4 – What you'll need to decorate the glass:

Click below to shop:
Polar Bear Family Mould
Penguin Family Mould
Icicles Mould
Blue Hearty Air Drying Clay
White Hearty Air Drying Clay

Or get the Mould Bundle or Moulds & Clay Bundle

Polar Moulds Bundle Offer

Step 5 – Make the decorations.

Cheryl's top tip: I have mixed the blue and white clay to make a pale blue – you need very little coloured clay as it's highly pigmented. New packs of clay can be a little sticky to work with so leave a piece to dry a minute or two before using.

  • Fill the moulds with clay. Make sure the clay is pulled away from the edges of the mould as shown on the small bear in the mould top left.
  • To remove the clay, give the mould a wiggle until the clay shape comes loose and comes out of the mould easily. If it stretches, leave to dry a short while and then try again.
  • Once removed from the moulds, leave your clay pieces to dry on kitchen paper before decorating with water based paints or inks.
  • If you want the pieces to dry on a curve or round the corner of the glass, leave the clay to dry over the item you plan to adhere it to – see step 6.

Step 6 – Leave the icicles to dry over the side of the glass container to shape the clay piece, making it easier to adhere to the glass.

Step 7 – Stick your clay shapes onto the candle glass.

  • Apply silicone adhesive directly to the back of the clay shape to adhere it to the glass.

Steps 8-10 – Repeat step 7 with each of your clay shapes and adhere them to the candle glass.

Well done, you've made your very own polar themed candle!

Don't forget to share your homemade polar candle on our Facebook Group! CLICK HERE to share your images.

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