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Meet the Current Katy Sue Designs Cake Design Team – Sarah Harris

Meet the Current Katy Sue Designs Cake Design Team – Sarah Harris

As we are currently recruiting for new Design Team members, we thought it was about time we showed off our current members – so over the next few days we will be showcasing their work!

Sarah Harris – The Cupcake Range


I have a passion for baking which I have had since being a child, but more recently I enjoy mostly decorating cupcakes. A few years back I went on a basic cupcake decorating course and I loved it so much I have continued with it ever since.
It is a hobby, I bake only for family and friends, often as a surprise gift to commemorate an occasion such as a birthday, Christmas, Mother’s Day or baby arrival. My family are strong believers in celebrating each birthday with a cake and I have never missed out myself in receiving a birthday cake each year. I have made a birthday cake for my Mum pretty much every year since I was a child and she is now in her 70s! 

I have two sons, one now has a place of his own some distance away from our home, but I still made sure he got a homemade birthday cake last year which I sent him through the post! During the day I work as an Audit Manager in local government. I have worked for the same organisation since the year I got married which was in 1988.

Last year due to encouragement from friends I set up a Facebook page and called it The Cupcake Range.

Here are some of our favourite designs by Sarah!

Want to be a member of the Design Team? Click here to learn more!

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