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Happy 1st Birthday to Creative Cake System!

Happy 1st Birthday to Creative Cake System!


One year ago we launched our ground breaking Creative Cake System with Ceri Griffiths! We recently sat down for a chat with Ceri to discuss how the first year has gone, and what his personal highlights and challenges were!



To celebrate we’ve marked down the must have Creative Cake System range, offering you up to 30% off! But hurry, offer ends Sunday 1st of October at midnight!


You can buy all of the products here


How have you enjoyed the first year of the Creative Cake System?

Ceri – It’s been a crazy twelve month journey since we first surprised the cake world with a system for creating moulded borders that put the elegant look of royal icing within the grasp of everyone. We launched it to the media in September 2016 and then in Birmingham at the Cake International show, onto Las Vegas and then finally to Hong Kong. I had mixed responses from people in the beginning as they thought I was trying to kill off the art of royal icing, something I would never do, but when people understood I was trying to give cake decorators of all levels another option for their decorated cakes, whilst trying to incorporate the look of royal icing into their designs, the system was welcomed with open arms. I personally feel that when the elements of royal icing are incorporated into the contemporary cakes of today then more people will wish to learn to pipe.


What has been your highlight?

Ceri – It has to be winning the Golden Tiers Literary Award in New York for my book Border Inspirations 1&2, originally I didn’t even know there was a Literary Award and then to find out that I’d been shortlisted was fantastic. Whoever nominated my book I thank you, and then for the judges to decide unanimously it was an award winning publication was incredible, that’s something I’ll never forget. My book is now part of cake history.


The Creative Cake System started out as a single idea which has grown into a multi faceted gem, there are so many interesting avenues of design I wish to take the CCS down that the possibilities are endless.

I’m looking forward to seeing what you as cake artists do with my Creative Cake System.

Ceri Griffiths


What has surprised you most about the design process?

Ceri – What surprised me was the amount of research I did for each mould, firstly finding out if there was already in existence a mould by someone else that did the same job so that I could avoid being accused of copyright violations. Taking my ideas and sketches from flat paper to a form that could be replicated and enhanced with the use of the silicon moulding technique was a challenge. It’s been a steep learning curve for me over the past twelve months understanding the complexities of mould design, production and application.


What have you found most challenging?

Ceri – My biggest challenge has been convincing people that I’ve not abandoned the world of piping and royal icing, historically there have been a large amount of moulded pieces used within historical cake decorating which have then been over-piped or enhanced with other mediums. I think the general public thinks everything they see on historical show piece cakes is piped.



Naughty question but do you have a favourite mould in the range?

Ceri – Definitely my favourite mould in the CCS so far has to be the Dragonfly mould, there are so many things you can do with it and many of the elements can be used in different ways. Dragonflies are very special to me and this mould symbolises the changes I’ve had to go through to be who I am today.


What are your ambitions for the range?

Ceri – My ambition for the CCS is to keep developing cake specific moulds that are in varying sizes suitable for any sugary creation from cupcake to cookie from wedding cake to celebration cake. I’m excited to be working in association with a forward thinking company such as Katy Sue Designs because the journey they are on as an innovative company is offering me opportunities that I would not normally have, the future may see more than just moulds carrying my name.


Are you allowed to say what’s next?

Ceri – Nope…you’ll have to wait until the end of October for a special launch from me, I’ve had my design eye set on wedding cakes and all of the elegant elements that could enhance them, the two new moulds which you will see at the end of October on my Hochanda TV program (Creative Cakes With Katy Sue Designs) are dainty, stylish and beautiful. Watch out for my two new moulds suitable for wedding cakes, cookies, celebrations cakes and even the paper crafting world is going to love them for card fronts, place settings and invitations.

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