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How to make a Handbag Cake with Dawn Butler

How to make a Handbag Cake with Dawn Butler

This week at Katy Sue, we have had the fabulously talented Dawn Butler here for a Facebook Live. Dawn set out in 2010 when she turned her hobby and love of making cakes into a small home business. Dawn found a passion for novelty cakes and soon became recognised for her realistic airbrushed cakes.

Handbag cake Decorating Demo

Dawn Butler


Handbag Cake Decorating

In 2012 The Dinkydoodle airbrush and colour range were born, and these quickly received worldwide acclaim being regarded as some of the best products in the cake industry.  Always striving to push the boundaries of cake art in 2014 Dawn launched her invention CakeFrame. This was the first time the world had seen a food grade purpose made internal structural support system for cakes, that was not only simple to use but easy on the pocket too.

 2016 saw Dawn crowned Cake Masters Cake Artist of the year, an internationally critically acclaimed award, which recognised not only her talents but also her relentless efforts to share her passion and skills with others across the globe in her classes and tutorials.  In 2017 she was further recognised as one of the UK’s Top 10 cake artists by Cake Masters Magazine.

8 years on and the business is going strength to strength as Dawn continues to be a pioneer in the cake world. She is now able to bring cakes to life - literally, and will soon be launching the first ever moving cake kits.

Commissioned to make a cake fit for a Queen, quite literally.

Dawn had the massive pleasure of being commissioned to make a helicopter cake for her majesty the Queen and the Duke of Cambridge. It was in honour of a brand new air ambulance station being opened by the Queen, at Cambridge, where Prince William was stationed as pilot at the time. But Dawn couldn't just make any old helicopter, and was set the challenge of making it “fly”. 

A lot of careful mathematics, balance and very expensive electro magnet's went into the making of this very large cake , which not only levitated above ground but also had fully working rotor blades too!

Dawn Butler's Facebook Live

It was fantastic to have Dawn Butler in the Katy Sue Studio for our first Facebook Live of 2019!  We were very pleased to have so much talent to start the New Year off. Don’t worry if you missed it, the full show is here just below. In this 1 hour and 20 minutes show, Dawn was able to demonstrate, not one but three cakes. Dawn’s Handbag cake is shown predominately in the show, from start to finish, including carving and ganaching.

This cake uses three of our silicone moulds, our beaded Pearl Border Mould, our award winning Continuous Quilting Mould, and our 6 Inch Zip Mould. The results are absolutely stunning, as I am sure you will agree. Dawn also shows her amazing airbrushing skills, she makes it look so easy! With the added detail, you almost would believe the handbag was real.

Handbag Cake Decorating kit


You can catch up on the full show just below, and we are excited to share this amazing bundle offer, which gives you all the Katy Sue Moulds needed for this product. Not only will you be able to create a fabulous handbag cake, we are also offering this at a heavily reduced price!

 The Handbag Carry Case kit is available on Dawn’s own website. This kit allows you to pick the cake up by the handle.




FREE Large Handbag Cake Guide

Large Handbag Cake Decorating guide


FREE Medium Handbag Cake Guide

Medium Handbag Cake Decorating guide

Large Handbag Cake Decorating guide

Large Handbag Cake Decorating guide

Large Handbag Cake Decorating guide

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