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Katy Sue Designs Moves To Create and Craft and Ideal Shopping TV

Katy Sue Designs Moves To Create and Craft and Ideal Shopping TV

Katy Sue Designs has today announced its move from shopping channel Hochanda to Create and Craft and Ideal Shopping TV.

The news is the latest in a series of exciting growth plans for the silicone mould manufacturer which has seen its growth increase by over 200% in the last year, as well as acquiring the Craft Creations brand which is central to its new dedicated paper craft range.

CEO Sue Balfour is looking forward to the business’s next phase of growth with a significant focus in UK Shopping TV with Create and Craft and Ideal Shopping.

Moving from one channel to another is never an easy decision, and on this occasion, it was based on our own changing product range and our desire to focus on new markets,” she says.

“We are hoping we can build on the success we originally had with Create and Craft – where we started back in 2005. As always, we are grateful for the help and support of our previous partner Hochanda with whom we have enjoyed working with over the last three years.”

Sky 683
Freeview 23
Virgin 748
Freesat 813
Apple TV
Amazon Fire
Online at

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doreen Hanifin - June 8, 2020

I’ve got some of your silicone mould’s and I’ve ordered a book…..but I need to know where to buy all the accessory’s from to make the flowers ect; I am a complete beginner so would appreciate your help Thank you.

Charon Cooper - September 24, 2019

Love Love Love your moulds and pleased you are returning to create and craft. Any chance we could have a hobbit door and hobbits please x Thank you for your lovely designs.

Miss Susan Paul - September 24, 2019

When will your be moving to Create and Craft?. I am looking forward to buying more of your moulds. I tend to buy more moulds than any other craft items.

Alison Stone - September 10, 2019

I am so please you are returning to C&C. I absolutely love your products and the results are fabulous. When do you start. Alison

Paul Morgan - September 24, 2019

Hi gang I like many have been a fan and a customer for many years both with CC and hochanda. I can’t say I’m not sad at the move back to CC but will always be a customer to Katy sue . I wish you well on CC please remember why you moved in the first place nothing from a customer’s point of view has changed. I for one would love someone to explain their reasoning. I’ve been a business man for many years and other than the obvious one it’s a better deal. Trouble is the better deal never lasts, but by then it’s too late. I can only hope you have made the right choice. Kind regards Paul from London ps sorry for the diatribe.

Dawn king - September 10, 2019

Good luck to you all. Looking forward to seeing what you have planned (as long as it contains moulds) as I’m an avid mould fan and ksd are the very best. Good luck. Xx

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