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Nicholas Lodge Moulds


About Chef Nicholas Lodge

Chef Nicholas Lodge

Little did Nicholas Lodge know that when he started training to become a chef where this path would eventually lead him to. The field of sugar art has transported him around the world, introduced him to Royalty and celebrities and has opened numerous doors to exotic locations that most people only dream about.

He is the author of over one dozen books, and numerous instructional DVD’s. Nicholas teaches and demonstrates his unique skills around the world. Over the years his teaching tours have taken him to twenty-six different countries, and he has introduced sugar art into unlikely places such as India, China and Fiji.

Nicholas is internationally known, not only for his unique skills in sugar art, but also for the quality of his demonstrations and classes, at which he inspires enthusiasm in everyone who attends. This reputation has also involved him in judging sugar art events around the globe.

The base of operation for Nicholas is Atlanta, Georgia where his classroom, warehouse and retail gallery is all located under one roof.

Nicholas was inducted into the International Cake Exploration Societe (ICES) Hall of Fame in 2001, being the youngest person ever to receive this honor.

Nicholas is a Chef instructor at the French Pastry School in Chicago where he helped developed and is one of the instructors of the sixteen-week cake decorating program offered there.

In 2010 Nicholas was honored by receiving both the Top 10 Cake Artist and Top 10 Pastry Chefs in America, making Nicholas the only person to have received both awards in the same year. In 2017 Nicholas received the “Golden Tiers Educator of the Year” award, sponsored by American Cake Decorating Magazine and the New York Cake Show.

Anyone interested in classic gumpaste flowers, rolled fondant and royal icing techniques owes it to themselves to attend classes offered by Nicholas. He always freely shares his decades of knowledge to all levels of cake decorators; beginner to advanced. There is always something new to be learned in a Nicholas Lodge class.

Introducing Nicholas Lodge Moulds 

Mould Video

Nicholas Lodge Moulds


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