October Photo Challenge Competition
have given you a list of key words which should be your starting point to get creative in October!
not feel like you have to complete every one! Just upload your photo to Pinterest or Instagram (more details at the
end) to take part in the challenge. Photos can be of anything you want; they can be of cakes,
craft projects, pets or even a day at the beach! Use your imagination, the
sky’s the limit! Here are some suggestions:
GOODIES’ – your Halloween stash of chocolate perhaps?
ANIMAL’ – Your favourite pet, stuffed animal or sugarpaste creation!
link to your Pinterest account and we’ll send you an invitation to join the KSD
Photo Challenge board. Then you can upload your images with the key words in
the description.
#KSDPhotoChallenge and write the key words in the description.
creative photographs from both Pinterest and Instagram and giving away prizes
every week!
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