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Chef Nicholas Lodge was one of the world’s leading tutors in both sugar flower artistry and pastry. An accomplished author, teacher and TV judge, he had the honour of making cakes several times for the British Royal Family. He loved travelling all over the world sharing his skills and judging cake decorating and sugar art competitions at the highest level. As well as teaching at his own schools in Atlanta and Tokyo, Chef Nicholas was an instructor at the prestigious French Pastry School in Chicago and taught globally at culinary schools and cake exhibitions.

A Legacy in Sugar Art

Born in Essex, England, Nicholas discovered his passion for cake decorating early on, designing his first cake at 10. After gaining experience in a bakery, he attended The National Bakery School of England, receiving the Most Outstanding Cake Decorating Student award. He quickly advanced to become the Principal Wedding Cake Designer at Woodnutts, creating cakes for elite London hotels. By 21, Nicholas managed Mary Ford's School in Bournemouth, where he led a team that crafted cakes for the royal family, including Lady Diana and Prince Charles's wedding cake.

In 1985, Nicholas began his publishing career, authoring over a dozen books and many instructional DVDs on sugar art. He also contributed to other authors' books as a sugar art consultant.

The International Sugar Art Collection (ISAC) was founded in 1992 by Nicholas with his business partner Scott Ewing with the purpose to teach all levels and aspects of sugar art, and cake decorating. This video was made by ISAC to celebrate it's 30th anniversary on July 17, 2022. We hope you enjoy seeing the memories they created with Chef Nicholas over the years.

The Flower Pro Collection

We began our collaboration with Chef Nicholas Lodge in 2017, with a goal to simplify the intricate art of sugar flower making. This vision led to the creation of Flower Pro - a collection designed to work seamlessly with just a few tools and cutters. This streamlined method makes the process not only efficient but also affordable.

Many of you may have met Nick at cake shows over the years or been lucky enough to participate in his classes. We have such fond memories of Cake International where he would have a constant and captivated audience each day, sharing his incredible skills. Nick touched so many lives through his inspirational teaching and also his genuine interest and enthusiasm for everyone he met. He was passionate about sharing his skills and sincerely valued his flower making family.


  • 2001 - International Cake Exploration Societe (ICES) Hall of Fame (Nicholas is youngest person ever to receive this honor)
  • 2003 - Distinguished Visiting Chef Award- Johnson & Wales University
  • 2009 - The Sweet Life Award: Hall of Fame (given at the National Capital Area Cake Show)
  • 2010 - Dessert Professional Top 10 Cake Artists and Top 10 Pastry Chef (The first to receive both awards in one year)
  • 2018 - Cake Master Awards - Cake Hero Award
  • 2022 - Cake Master Awards - Lifetime Achievement Award
  • 2022 - Cake Master Awards USA - Cake Hero Award

This Foundation has been established to continue educational work in Sugar art in honor of Nicholas Lodge. Starting in 2023, the Foundation will award scholarships to aid recipients in continuing their education, covering expenses like class fees, supplies, and educational guidance. The Foundation encourages donations to carry forward Nicholas's legacy. 

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Watch Chef Nicholas Lodge video collections

Tips For Beginners



Spring Flowers

Summer Flowers

Autumn & Winter

Filler Flowers


Fantasy & Woodland

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