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Meet Our New Cake Design Team

Meet Our New Cake Design Team

We are delighted to announce the complete line up of our Cake Design Team!

We can’t wait to see what these very talented individuals will create with our up coming mould designs and will be sharing images with you very soon. In the meantime you can get to know our Design Team members a little better as they introduce themselves below…


Pennie Revell – Lady P’s Cupcakery
I’m a mum to 3 crazy kiddies  – oh and a house wife.  I just suddenly started taking an interest in cupcakes a few years ago and since then my passion has grown – along with lots of equipment!  Which is shocking as I don’t think I’m particularly creative! 
I prefer doing cupcakes … I think! I don’t know, maybe I’ll get the big cake bug and start loving them!!! 
Cupcakes or big cakes, the whole “cake world” is addictive – very addictive!!! But its also a lovely place where I’ve made friends for life – over discussing the merits of this fondant over that one,  or who is more handsome Mr Ross Poldark or Daniel Craig! Caking has brought me some firm friends, a new talent I didn’t know I had and who knows, maybe I’ll have the confidence one day to stop baking for fun and start a business.

My Facebook page is Lady P’s Cupcakery!


Sarah Harris – The Cupcake Range

I have a passion for baking which I have had since being a child, but more recently I enjoy mostly decorating cupcakes. A few years back I went on a basic cupcake decorating course and I loved it so much I have continued with it ever since.
It is a hobby, I bake only for family and friends, often as a surprise gift to commemorate an occasion such as a birthday, Christmas, Mother’s Day or baby arrival. My family are strong believers in celebrating each birthday with a cake and I have never missed out myself in receiving a birthday cake each year. I have made a birthday cake for my Mum pretty much every year since I was a child and she is now in her 70s! 

I have two sons, one now has a place of his own some distance away from our home, but I still made sure he got a homemade birthday cake last year which I sent him through the post! During the day I work as an Audit Manager in local government. I have worked for the same organisation since the year I got married which was in 1988.

Last year due to encouragement from friends I set up a Facebook page and called it The Cupcake Range.


Barbara Hoogendoorn – the Moldshop

When I was younger, my mother would let me have her kitchen and oven on Saturdays. I loved experimenting with ingredients and baked a lot of cakes, cookies and other sweet stuff. When I left home the baking habit kind of faded away. Until our fist son was born 12 weeks prematurely and when he turned one we threw a big party to celebrate his life! We ordered a huge cake with 5 layers from one of the best bakers in our city. It was delicious but it looked nothing like I had imagined… And that’s when I started baking again. Only this time I also started to decorate my creations. Where I used to work as a project leader on labour cases I started my own cake business within a year ,which has grown into the Mouldshop because it turned out that I just love moulds! Nowadays I only bake cake for friends and family and I’m one of the designers for MjamTaart! magazine in the Netherlands which features 6 times a year.
I’ve been married to my sweet husband for almost 15 years now. Our first son turns 10 very soon (and he’s doing very well!). We have a younger son who’s 5 years old and a little surprise is on the way who will be born in August 2016!
Barbara’s Facebook page is – the Mouldshop.


Gill Cresswell – Gill’s Cupcake Corner

I became interested in cake making / decorating just over 4 years ago when out of the blue, I made my sister some cupcakes for her birthday.  I loved making them and it wasn’t long before I was ‘You Tubing’ different techniques and experimenting!! I really had found a new passion and took a huge leap of faith and left a career of 30 years to pursue that passion.  Gills Cupcake Corner was born in 2012 and has gone from strength to strength.  Although initially I focused on cupcakes I am now making all kinds of cakes, some more challenging than others, but challenge is GOOD right?? 

I love the Katy Sue Design products and have used them for a number of years.  I love a Vintage Style and there are just so many wonderful products in the range to make my designs extra special.  There are so many ways to use the embossing mats and the moulds…….oh where do I start!!! They are all fabulous J

Gill’s Facebook page is – Gill’s Cupcake Corner

Teresa Antonowicz – Teresa’s Sweet Creations

I’m  stay at home mom … of two ( PATRICK & NATALIE )   I’ve got no fancy pastry schooling background. I graduated Marketing and Management  University in Poland . I love craft things . One day, I decided I wanted to start making my kiddos some cool birthday cakes….because my little princess didn’t like any from my local bakery

I looked up some YouTube videos/books … starting dabbling in a li’l bit o’ this and a li’l bit o’ that… and I did my first fondant cake in 2012 for my daughters second birthday ….everybody loved  and here I am I love cake decorating ….I love to see  kids smile – when they see birthday cake …during this time I got more…and more orders … I hope  one day hobby/small business …will turn into the  big one   because I love what I do

Teresa’s Facebook page is – Teresa’s Sweet Creations


Emma Barry – Emma B’s Cupcakery

I am a wife and a mother to two amazing boys. During the day I work in a university, during the evening I love to cake!

It started two years ago when I attended a cupcake decorating class, where I decorated some cupcakes for Mothers Day. I was soon addicted!

I set up my facebook page ( about 18 months ago after a lot of encouragement from friends. My main love is cupcakes – big cakes for other people scare me, but I love making them for family.


Lisa Speck – Ponty Carlo Cakes

My name is Lisa and I am the owner/founder of Ponty Carlo cakes in Pontypridd in South Wales. I have always loved cooking and baking and my cake decorating  journey all started when my daughter was coming up to 18 and I decided  that I decided that I wanted to make her a birthday cake.

It wasn’t as easy as I thought it was going to be, so I ended up just making cupcakes which I decorated with some flowers that I made from fondant. They went down so well, that I was asked on that day to make cupcakes for a friends daughter’s wedding. I said yes and between that time and the wedding, the thought occurred to me that maybe I should get some lessons. That was 6 years ago. It was another year before I took some lessons and the rest is history.

I very quickly became totally obsessed with cake decorating, and  the orders came flooding in. I have always been artistic and creative, and have always been able to draw and  paint, but it quickly became very clear that this craft was encompassing my love for colour, art, baking, making something quickly that you could also eat, and of course my love of cake. I absolutely love what I do. I am now a full time baker and decorator.

Lisa’s Facebook page is – Ponty Carlo Cakes


Kirsty Low – Cakey Bake

My cupcake obsession began about 8 years ago when I was dragged on a cupcake class in Wimbledon by a very dear friend – I completely loved it and I don’t think I’ve ever stopped making them since! I worked for many years as a professionally qualified trainer in 5* hotels in London and was not given the opportunity to return after the birth of my daughter 5 years ago. I used this as an opportunity to explore ways I could make money from my obsession with cupcakes! I began by opening a small eBay shop selling nozzles and baking items and then gathered the confidence to start teaching, using my skills as a trainer to put together fun and creative cupcake classes. I now teach over 16 different classes in my home town of Paddock Wood in Kent and have an amazing community of students and ‘cake friends’ on my Facebook page.

I’ve won Gold/Silver awards at Cake International every year since starting my business and am probably most famous for my shoes and handbags cakes. My style is very neat and precise and I love a clean looking cake with beautiful embellishments – regularly using silver leaf, moulds and ruffles in my designs.

I adore everything about cakes and cupcakes and the creativity they can inspire and have used Katy Sue moulds ever since the first cupcake toppers they launched – the opportunity to work with Katy Sue Designs is a dream come true for me and I’m delighted to be a part of the Design Team :o)

Kirsty’s Facebook page is – Cakey Bake


Sarah Thomas – The Cupcake Oven

A former City lawyer, I decided to change career when I realised that my childhood pastime of baking, and my adult hobby of sugar artistry was far more enjoyable! I have taught sugar art and baking skills to students from around the world for over 7 years and love sharing my knowledge.  I run over 30 different classes ranging from basic cupcake, cookie and macaron classes, to full on three day intensive wedding cake courses. I am based in Essex, UK.

I have won many awards for my baking and sugarcraft, including 6 Gold Awards at Cake International (being placed 1st, 2nd and 3rd on four of those occasions); as well as being awarded several British Sugarcraft Guild Trophies. I am a regular contributor to Cake Masters Magazine, including full tutorials and also taking part in their two sugar artist collaborations (Fabergé Egg 2015 & Hot Air Balloon 2016).

I have always loved the Katy Sue products since their launch a few years ago. I think they enable complete beginners to achieve professional results with the minimum fuss and bother, proving that anyone can enjoy cake decorating from (and until!) any age. I am excited to be a part of the Katy Sue Cake Design Team and look forward to seeing what new ideas they have to share this year.

Sarah’s Facebook page is – The Cupcake Oven


Doreen Thompson – Katy Sue Designs

I am part owner and Creative Director at Katy Sue Designs. Technically I’m retired but I find myself in the craft room with Noreen virtually every day J I have always been creative and have done most crafts from sewing to card making and particularly enjoyed the 10 years plus our company had making porcelain Dollshouse Dolls for collectors all over the world. About 3 and a half years ago I retired and started taking the online cake decorating classes with Craftsy and found a whole wonderful world of cake decorating and cookie decorating. I’m still learning but I am thrilled to be part of the product development team here at Katy Sue…it’s a sheer joy to be playing with so many wonderful products.

Doreen’s Facebook page is – Katy Sue Designs Cake Decorating

Guest Design Team Member


Susana Martínez Zepeda – Scrap Cookies

Susana Martínez Zepeda is a Mexican cake artist and international trainer for confectionary, baking and decorating cakes, as well, founder and director of Casa Susana. Susana has appeared in industry magazines such as Edible Artists Network and is the Mexico representative for the Sugar Arts Institute and co -editor of the journal American Cake Decoration.

Susana’s Facebook page is – Casa Susana

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